The perfect all in one inbox.

We created Coax because we believe communication for your business should be as simple as possible. In our personal lives, we already manage multiple social media accounts, our phone, our email address. On top of all that, your business has each of those things.

Coax brings them together.

Curve Curve Curve

We searched the world, so you don’t have to

We tested everything we could get our hands on. We tried to bring some of those platforms to Australia. When we kept hitting a wall, we decided to tear it down and rebuild it ourselves.

Coax is made in Australia and hosted in Australia. We know that there’s strength in that. And we believe this Australian inbox can help the world too.

Who are we?

We’re a small team of 8, working out of Melbourne, Australia. As a small team ourselves, we wanted to create something that helped small business.

The focus is making it easy for you to all jump in and reply to queries. Conversations move faster together and lead to more sales and stronger relationships.

How are we different from the competitors?

We won’t gatekeep. We’ll keep telling you about our 14 day trial, without a credit card because we want you to test us out.

So many multi inbox platforms will ask you to schedule a demo. Someone else using a platform isn’t the best way to learn if it’s right for you.

Here’s Coax, give it a go, ask us anything you want and find out for yourself all that it can do for you.

Contact Us

You can use the form or the live chat window to reach us. We’ll get you the help you need in no time at all.

👋 How can we help?