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Facebook integrates seamlessly

With Coax, you’ll see all your inquiries and prospects from Facebook in the same chronological thread with texts, emails and phone calls per customer.

That way, you’ll provide prompt responses, addressing all leads equally and leave behind the days of extra log ins and out of sync conversations.

Set up is easy.

Get your 14 day free trial if you haven’t already and then sign in and follow these steps:

  1. Head over to your settings, the gear icon on the left.
  2. Scroll down a tiny bit to Socials
  3. Click Connect Facebook Account.
  4. Authorise the connection on Facebook

Now, you can test the connection yourself. Using your personal Facebook profile, send a message to your business profile asking anything you want. You’ll see the message come through on Coax. Send a reply back to yourself to see just how easy it is. You’re experiencing it just like your customers do.
